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Metalog Facilitation Balls with seven shapes - heart, open hand, thumbs up, foot, camera, key, brain
Metalog Facilitation Balls with seven shapes - heart, open hand, thumbs up, foot, camera, key, brain
Woman talks about small foam crown in hand from Metalog Facilitation Balls, a conversation starter
Four smiling adults each hold a unique foam shape from Metalog Tools Facilitation Balls
Facilitation Balls with puzzle piece, crown, light bulb, magic lamp, hot air balloon, wrench, world
Metalog Facilitation Balls Sets One and Two - 14 soft foam shapes used as top conversation starter

Facilitation Balls

Setting your sights higher


Facilitation Balls energize and organize a group's debrief or dialogue. Tactile and symbolic, these fun objects help people literally grasp the situation.

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After an exercise, the group gathers in a circle and the facilitator throws the balls to different individuals. Before each throw, the facilitator shows the ball to the group and explains what it represents. For example, the facilitator might introduce the camera and ask, “what new perspectives did you gain?”. One at a time, each person holding a ball will be invited to share their thoughts before tossing it on to someone else.

In this way, all of the group members are actively involved and have enough time to think about their answers. This ensures that the feedback they give is diverse and in depth.


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Emotion Cards are picture cards from Metalog. Use to start important conversations.
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Open black pouch showing a few EmotionCards, 5x8 inch picture cards for training and workshops
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Four adults sitting in row each hold a EmotionCard, image cards for training and workshops

Emotion Cards

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The Philosopher's Stone from Metalog: a plastic shape plate, wooden multisided shape, black bag
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The Philosopher's Stone

Black pouch and stack of Metalog Scenario Cards, picture cards for workshops and facilitation
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Black pouch and stack of Metalog Scenario Cards, picture cards for diversity and inclusion training
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Black pouch and stack of Metalog Scenario Cards, picture cards for workshops and facilitation
A group uses Scenario Cards, picture cards for DEI workshops to increase awareness of diversity
Black pouch and stack of Metalog Scenario Cards, picture cards for diversity and inclusion training
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Scenario Cards

Open case of MagicNails fun puzzle activity
Completed version of MagicNails fun puzzle activity
Open case of MagicNails fun puzzle activity
Completed version of MagicNails fun puzzle activity



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